Juice Feasting™ | The Preparation Course
What is Juice Feasting?
Juice Feasting is quite simply put, Feasting on Juice!
Juice Feasting, as the name implies, is a Program of abundance, in which the Feaster drinks 12-15 lbs of juiced produce each day, providing all the nutrition needed to feed the body/mind, yet placing the body in a position to detoxify and eliminate deficiencies. Juice Feasting pushes the reset button on your physiology through a 1-92 day Program of drinking 4 Quarts of fresh juices and superfoods each day, which turns on the human physiology to:
==> CLEANSE, REBUILD, REHYDRATE, and ALKALIZE to the greatest extent possible.
Juice Feasting is a bona-fide solution to the lack of healing centers worldwide that can adequately support everyone who needs to remove the underlying causes of their health challenges and switch on to a level of health few experience.
“I can’t believe it’s already day 20! I’m pleasantly surprised I’ve made it this long without solid foods. Now I’m someone who used to eat chicken tenders and french fries daily and could easily clean out any greasy buffet restaurant.
The ironic thing is that I feel more satisfied on this juice feast than I ever have in my days of eating. I’m convinced it’s because we eat such devitalized and demineralized food that our body just keeps looking for what we aren’t giving it… real nutrition! Although I’m not eating anything I’m giving my body nutrient dense live food juices. This is the most whole, natural state nutrition I have ever consumed!”
Juice Feasting is a self-empowering practice, accessible to all, that can be accomplished while still going to work and taking care of family responsibilities.
Never before has such a dramatically impactful, deep cleansing program in which one can heal to completion been so accessible to the public. As you will learn in “Modern Challenges,” Juice Feasting is coming online just when society needs it most desperately.
In this Juice Feasting presentation of profound implications, we will:
+ Place Juice Feasting in the context of a Modern Hero’s Journey, a journey that is imperative for personal and societal well-being
+ Teach you how to Juice Feast from Start to Finish
+ Show you How to Scale up your Juice Feast Using Supplements and Superfoods
+ Outline Kitchen, Bath, and Body Practices
+ Provide You With Grocery Shopping Guidance
+ Detail How to Make Beautiful Juices
+ Explain in-Depth What a Day in the Life of a Juice Feaster Looks Like
+ Enable You to Keep Track of Your Progress Easily
+ Provide a 92-Day Juice Feasting Timeline with Specific Notes
+ Answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in Detail
+ Show you the Primary Resources for the 92-Day Juice Feasting Program
+ Provide you with a List of Highly Qualified, Personally Certified Juice Feasting Consultants to Coach you Should you Need Personalized Guidance and Coaching.
+ Share with you Everything you will Need to Know to Have a Successful and Enjoyable Juice Feast!
We want this to be one of the most extraordinary, empowering, significant experiences of your life that will add years to your life, and life to your years!
Please read carefully through the entire Juice Feasting Introduction that we have provided for you, compliments of David and Katrina Rainoshek.
These pages are just a small taste of the massive amount of exciting health and wellness information we have gathered for you as part of our 92-Day Juice Feasting Nutrition Program.
Whether you decide to join us on our 92-Day Program to enjoy your experience, or to take this information and begin Feasting on your own, we do hope you enjoy receiving and implementing this extraordinarily valuable Program, transforming your life in extraordinary ways!
In this edition of Coaching Insights with JuiceFeasting.com Master Coach David Rainoshek, we look at how David works with his clients and students to cultivate Curiosity as a necessary asset for healing major health challenges.
Learn how to leverage Curiosity, Antifragility, and Patience to your own healing benefit.
Juice Feasting Accomplishments
In essentially this order – although all of these items are occurring at once – the following is what we are achieving and addressing with Juice Feasting:
1. Ending the Addition of Toxic/Foreign/Depleted Foods into our Bodies.
2. Drinking Nutrient-Dense Living Juices with Superfoods/Supplements
3. Providing Physiological Rest to Our Body
4. Removing Uneliminated Waste Matter in the Small Intestine and Colon
5. Significant Hydration and Rehydration
6. Removing Uneliminated Toxins in the Blood, Lymphatic System, and at the Cellular Level Throughout the Body
7. Alkalinization – Restoring Your Body’s Alkaline Bank Account
8. Reduction/Eradication of Inflammation/Chronic Pain
9. Oxygenation (Your Red Blood Cell Count will Increase, Thereby Dialing Up Your Blood’s Oxygen-Carrying Capacity)
10. Rejuvenation of Your Metabolism and Digestive System
11. Restoration of Micro- and Macro-Nutrients
12. Rebuilding Your Physiology and Biochemistry
Juice Feasting is not a weight loss program per se. While people do lose weight, this is a side effect of removing the toxic and extraneous matter from your system and achieving superior health.
With Juice Feasting as a considerable Life Practice asset, NOW is the time when you can say “I am going to be fully responsible for creating the best health possible for myself!”
Let’s set your positive desire for your own health and evolutionary transformative development into high gear! We hope you enjoy our Training on how to Juice Feast as a Life Practice here in the Juice Feasting Preparation Course!
“David and Katrina, I truly believe in my heart that I wouldn’t have gotten this far in my juice feast if it weren’t for the both of you and juicefeasting.com. I thank you so very much.
Your program has changed my life in ways I can’t fathom. You are amazing and I have no problem letting the world know it. Bless you both.”